I have been thinking to revamp the site for quite sometime and finally got around it. The old version was hosted on github, courtesy github pages which was a fairly simple one page setup, with links to my blog, github repository etc. For the new site, I needed to have one place to maintain the blogposts and webpages, so I started looking for jekyll style static page generators so that I can keep using github for hosting (for free! :D ) and really liked what Octopress had to offer.
I have the website hosted on mohitranka.github.com (see here on how to do it and mohitranka.com is merely a CNAME for it).
Hello Octopress!
Octopress is a blogging framework written on top of Jekyll. It has nifty little commands to create new pages and posts using markdown, growing number of themes and plugins, which are everything you need for your static content based website.